Finding Success and Happiness Within

By Rev. Spencer Rouse

Success and happiness tend to ebb and flow through our lives. When times are good we are content, but the ebbs can get us down, making us feel fearful and inadequate; we believe we are “not good enough.”

As a Psychic and Medium, I have been giving readings professionally many years. The concerns are similar, especially the ones about finding success and happiness. The majority of the time, the questioner is seeking solutions “out there.”

When will I find my soul mate so I can be happy? Why am I not good enough for him/her? Or, when am I going to win the lottery and pay off my debt? Why am I stuck in this job? Why them…..and not me?

We are meant to thrive. It is our birthright to be happy. So, why are most of us struggling? Why are we often fearful and self-deprecating?

It is because we are blocked off from the memories of home (heaven), where for the most part everything is beautiful, vibrant, and filled with an easy, loving happiness. We see and sense the light of others there, and we have no trouble knowing and understanding when we are in this realm. When we are born into the denser energy of the earth plane, we encounter a veil of forgetfulness. We have to work to open the veil and the channel of connection to our spiritual wisdom.

In fact, we are born with all we need to prosper.

The answers and solutions are within, but we have to work to access them. With pre-birth memories open wide, we might not stretch ourselves and evolve. Living on earth gives us the opportunity to experience trial and error, to make mistakes and learn from them. This helps us more fully experience the physicality of the earth plane and make freewill choices based on our current perceptions. We stretch. We learn. Ultimately we grow. How much is up to us, the choices we make, and what we do with the results of those choices.

Since we are born with all we need to be complete, other people in our lives can support us, challenge us, and add to our experience. They give us an opportunity to overcome karma that we have accumulated over past lifetimes. However, they do not make us “complete.”

The Master Plan

Before we incarnate into a lifetime, we meet with our “guides” and form an intricate life plan. It includes goals and some key experiences uniquely designed for us to grow. Some of these experiences may be harsh, but often it is because we resist them when on the earth plane. We choose our parents. Different souls volunteer to become key people in our lives so that we may learn from our relationships with them. They may smooth our way, or they may produce challenges for us. Those souls who are the closest to ours can give us the hardest time on earth. It takes exceptional love to be the villain so that we are forced to face our insecurities and learn to stand up for ourselves. We can choose, to a degree, which karma to try to balance in each lifetime. We can meet the challenges in the form of people, situations, or health issues.

All of this and more is set up through an intricate architecture of astrology, numerology, and sacred geometry so that our birth comes at precisely the right time for what we hope to accomplish. We have personal guides and guardian angels who stand by to assist us throughout our lives, and we always have access to the universal guides, archangels, and masters. We also have ourselves. We may need to meditate and have life experiences to fully understand ourselves, and often life in the density of earth is more challenging than it looked from our happy pre-birth home.

As we progress through this life, our plans may change. We may make choices that lead us in a direction—one we did not plan before birth. Some of these choices may make our lives more difficult than necessary. Key people may leave. Some goals may go by the wayside. However, the soul leads us to gain the experience desired, if we listen to our inner guidance. Stay flexible to adapt to the unexpected all along the way. Go within. Reach out for spiritual guidance. Clarity will come in the silence. Intuition will be honed. Proceed with courage, knowing that ultimately the earth experience is only that—an experience, a temporary one, and it will come around again. Next time, there will be added wisdom within.

It is one thing to understand the concepts of courage and intuition, but it is another thing to develop the skills that will keep us moving forward. For one thing, most of us have listened to parents, teachers, and religious leaders who teach us that success is something that comes only with hard work. Another is that we have been trained to fit in with the group culture, with little support for individuality. If we have difficulty, we are labeled «bad» or «difficult» and we develop misgivings about ourselves. Our creativity can be stifled.

Finding Courage

It takes courage to overcome early conditioning and limiting beliefs. Start by looking at your current successes. What feels right about your life? Own it. Look at what you would like to accomplish. Success does not always have to be measured in dollars. Consider creative accomplishments, inner peace, love, and laughter. Some of the happiest people are those who are constantly creating something from the soul, stretching their abilities, and others who are surrounded by happy family and friends who enjoy shared interests.

For small, instant moments of success, complete something or organize something. For example, permanently removing outdated objects around you will free energy and simplify your surroundings.

Trust your inspiration to lead you into new directions. Set specific intentions and a strategy, so the path will be clear. Follow through. When you feel challenged, stop, breathe, meditate to realign yourself with your goals, and then proceed. Be prepared to be flexible to overcome obstacles, but focused on the end result.

The best realization that we can have is to fully understand that we are complete within ourselves and that the only thing preventing our success and happiness is our own unwillingness to keep trying.


Rev. Spencer Rouse has been a psychic medium, teacher, counselor, writer and healer for more than 25 years. She recently completed her Level 1 and 2 studies of Acoustic Sound, Color, and Body Movement with Fabien Maman (Father of Vibrational Sound Therapy) at the Tama-do Academy in Malibu, and Switzerland. Spencer teaches “Soul to Soul” classes in Sarasota, FL, which focus on how to tune into the true self through the tools of sound, color, and ancient teachings. She also will be presenting an interactive class focused on color, sound and Chi in relation to healing this winter. For more information visit, email or call 941-706-1005.


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